The Perils of Productivity Monitoring: A Case Study on Keystroke Technology

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By David2m

Technology has become a double-edged sword in the modern workplace. Undoubtedly, technology has improved productivity and connectedness, but it has also brought forth new ways for employers to keep an eye on their staff members. Keystroke monitoring technology is one such technique that has lately come under investigation because of a contentious case regarding an employee’s termination. This blog post explores the ramifications of these monitoring technologies and the moral and legal issues they bring up.

Overview of Keystroke Monitoring

Every keystroke an employee makes on their computer is monitored by keystroke tracking equipment. Employers utilize this technology for data breaches protection, compliance assurance, and productivity measurement. But this intrusive method calls into question employee-employer relationship as well as privacy.

The Suzie Cheikho Case

After eighteen years of employment, Insurance Australia Group (IAG) fired consultant Suzie Cheikho due to low activity levels during work hours, as shown by keystroke monitoring equipment. Cheikho was terminated for a “valid reason of misconduct,” according to the Fair Work Commission (FWC), as she did not fulfill her job obligations.

The Legal Viewpoint

The FWC’s ruling emphasizes how acceptable it is legally to monitor employees with such technologies. To prevent future legal issues, it also highlights the necessity of explicit policies and communication about monitoring procedures.

Moral Aspects to Take into Account

Keystroke monitoring is lawful, but its ethical consequences are questionable. One could claim that continuous observation breeds mistrust, which in turn affects worker morale and mental health.

In summary

Employers and employees should both take note of Suzie Cheikho’s situation. It emphasizes how crucial it is to strike a balance between privacy, productivity, and employee autonomy.


Is it permissible to monitor keystrokes? A: It is legal, but employers have to make sure it complies with privacy regulations and tell staff members about the monitoring.
Can workers object to being watched? A: Although workers might voice concerns, they might not be able to refuse if the monitoring is required by the employer’s policy.

How can workers safeguard their privacy? A: Workers should be aware of their rights, the scope of monitoring, and that they are only allowed to use business equipment for work-related activities.
What factors ought employers to take into account prior to deploying such technology? A: Employers must maintain open lines of contact with their staff members and take into account the morale, ethical, and legal ramifications.


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